
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NUCLEAR SAFETY.. (Peringatan untuk semua)

Dapat email menceritakan keadaan dalam keadaan yg membimbangkan. Bukan untuk menakutkan dan bukan juga sekadar khabar angin tapi ianya kenyataan yg benar.

"Now is the time for all to be AWARE of the "nuclear holocaust" emancipating from the latest blast in northeastern-Japan's Fukushima No.1 nuclear incident, triggered by a 8.9-magnitude earth quake during the weekend:

1) Singapore TV news has just featured the latest nuclear meltdown,

2) According to Malaysian am news, the incident was rated as 4 on the scale of 7.

(5=1979 Three Mile Island accident,USA)(7=1986 Chernobyl disaster, Russia).

3) The incident could be as dangerous as a so-called, "nuclear blast".

So what?

4) Radioactive ashes are now accumulated in the air above Japan, can caused CANCER, if inhaled by humans.


5) The TRADE-WIND may bring these air-borne, carcinogenic ashes sooner or later to this part of the world.

6) What happens, if it rains by tomorrow or after a day or so?(so far, the dry days ahead?)

It will be good, in the sense that it cleanses the sky?..But...

7) Do not go out in the rainy days following. Do not get wet. Do not expose to the rain water, as it condensates the radioactive ashes through the falling rain-drops.Do not drink from open-air containers.

Do not let your KIDS play in the rain or do not let them play football in the rain, etc.


8) Do not drink the cow-milk milked freshly from the cows these days. The green-grass the cow consumed these days might be contaminated already with the radioactive ashes. Who knows?

The bottled- or processed-milk shelved earlier and sold in shops might be safe to drink!!

9) Vegetables also? Same as grasses, so YES, itis no more safe to eat veges.

10) Usage of masks, maybe.

11) Safety limit of absorbed dose( not sure now, how high is high?) is usually measured in REM or SV.

Roentgen Equivalent Man ( REM ) - unit absorbed energy x quality factor as compared with gamma radiation.

Seivert ( SV ) - modern unit of absorbed dose. (Refer below.)

12) Keep yourself updated with the news or public announcements."

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